Andy, may Starbucks commission a mug in your likeness.
I received an email this morning from Andy and within was a Craigslist ad boasting all the free water based screen printing inks you can carry. For free!!!!
You simply cannot imagine how epic this is. You see, we know we want to launch our line using exclusively water based inks. Plastisol is for squares. However, the inks aren't exactly cheap. They come in small tubs for about $8. Can I just tell you that free is a much better price. You simply can't beat it. Did I mention that the booty was only about two blocks from my house. Did I mention I own a stupid left over pickup truck, which under normal circumstances I truly hate but in an instance such as this owning a truck is unparalleled. Oh yeah, that truck was free too.
Now Fondu Victory has an entire host of ink buckets to make all kinds of delicious t shirts with. We've just lowered our overhead significantly should all this lovely ink work out for us. All toll we've scored about 31 buckets of stupendous inks. Even if half of those turn out to be useful we're still in a sweet position.
I think 31 buckets of ink equals about 300,000 shirts. Oh my god I can't believe we're really watching Nights in Rodanthe. Yes, we totally are. I just couldn't stop saying the word Rodanthe in my head. I had to face it head on.
Anyway, we've also been discussing getting a single color press to do mobile printing throw downs at parties, shows, galleries and even trade shows. That sounds exciting. Anyway, soon we have some wondrous water based ink t shirts to peddle to passersby.
Andy is ruling.
Alex, not bad eh?
Word. That's is the find of a life time!! You lucky bas-...
:) I'd like to see some of your creations up here in the future. Looks like you have a whole lot of fun ahead.
Shit, don't you just love when thing just work out nicely.
Seriously!!! I'm ecstatic right now!!!! We're about to launch 7 designs soon. I'll let you know.
Holy cow, you just saved a gajillion dollars! That's wicked. Do you have a website that you sell your prints on?
Seriously. We basically got like $1000 worth of stuff for FREE! We've been experimenting with the new inks and I'm super happy with it. As far as our site it's not up yet. We're hammering out the details and getting the branding all set up. It's a slow process but I want to launch with a really solid product. I'll be posting some pics of the latest test this weekend. Also, I'll make sure to announce the site launch.
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