Monday, November 30, 2009

The big time. I've hit it.

I'm getting the most awesome porn oriented spam. Oh and speaking of the orient, did I mention it's from Japan. That's in China for those of you somewhat less worldly than myself. I'd love to share with you the comments, just in case you're into that kind of thing.

人妻 Had this to say to me:


And, this means this in Engrish:

"H the sociable place of the human wives, also the association which is divided naturally OK! In combination with the [ero] human wives of frustration to the taste, it introduces. Same the wife, [serebu], the ripening woman and the SM wife, secret, please meet, play young from the genre of or more six and choose the like woman"

That's sweet!

And then I received one from サイドビジネス:


And this means something that I think will touch everyone:

"It is the guide of the sideline where 1 day 50,000 Yen ~ enters into the hand. The [serebu] woman of the man deviation eats the man who knows each other with the net one after another by power of the gold and scattering and others has done. It doesn't try making the large sum such a woman for the beanbag?"

Congratulations Japan, I've voted you "most pervy" country in the whole world. Germany you're a close second. But, don't hang that head Wolfgang, there's always next year.

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Charlie Books. Better than any Twilight or Harry Potter

Monday, November 16, 2009

Hey Cat!

This weekend saw the "Steph and Me" show take it on the road to Los Angeles. Saturday night was the Hello Kitty fashion show at Royal-T in Culver City. Steph and her buddy Marissa designed an outfit for the event. It was pretty sweet seeing it on a model walking down a runway. I'd never been to an actual fashion show before, but if they are anything like this I will go to as many as possible. Bryant Park, here I come! You may be asking yourself what the fuck a dude in his mid 30's would find remotely appealing about a Hello Kitty fashion show? Isn't that for, like, 13 year old girls? Um, yeah sure if 13 year olds are into girls in skintight pink latex with no underwear, Hitachino beer, nipple slips, and bitchy q-list girl drama, because that's the fashion show I was at. It was great. All of Steph's Fashionable Girl Posse were there in all of their dolled up splendor. As someone who is all about the not quite yet an Olympic sport of people watching I would have to say in my expert opinion this was probably the best place in all of L.A. on that night to do it. After the show ended we stayed around for some extreme socializing and ordered High Tea. Oh and afterward we treated ourselves to a little Canter's Deli. Fuck do I love their Rueben sammich! The pics do not include shots of the uber sweet and weird Brazilian themed motel we stayed in. Oh and the girl with the Hello Kitty scarf on, yeah thats Steph and Marissa's outfit. One more thing, the blue mechanism that is no doubt befuddling you is exactly what is says it is, yes, it's a pay cologne dispenser. Am I fucking kidding? Nope, I totally found that in some truck stop mens room in the middle of the valley on the way home. I wish I could have witnessed it being used but my utter fear of public restrooms disallowed me the pleasure of hanging around and doing so.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Fondu Victory is moving our screen printing operations! (Not that it affects your life)


It looks like we've sealed the deal on a new location for our Screen Printing Shop. We're moving to Big Umbrella Studios in December. It's a gallery space that allows us 24 hour access and is basically set up to accommodate our needs in terms of printing. Also it's super sweet to be amongst a group of other productive, creative types. Also it's location on Divisidero is much closer to our homes and not to mention a much hipper area than the sleepy Sunset. I hope this move bears fruit for us in the new year.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009