Thursday, May 1, 2008

Scooter Issues

Ok, a very retarded episode in my saga to legally ride my sccoter happened last week. I failed the stupid road test portion at the DMV. In California, Scooter riders have to get a motorcycle lisc. added in order to ride. Anyway, also to add a little twist to the ordeal, my lisc. expired and because I have permit for the Scooter they the DMV will only give a temporary extension. I digress. I went the DMV to take the test, my lisc. extension has now expired and my bike is dying on me. I ask the DMV peep to take care of my externsion so I could take my test. Instead she charges me $73 to renew the registration, which I never asked her to do. I assumed the fees were to renew my lisc. Yeah, not so much. Anyway, I took the test and failed. Peeps were right it is difficult to pass. Even more so because my scooter has some transmission issues that cause it to be at either a dead stop or at full speed, well full RPMs anyway. Also, the DMV charges you $6 if you fail a test for some reason. Most importantly, i needed my lisc. to be renewed and I can't be going back to the DMV every two months to get the temporary extension. I told the guy just to give me the full extension. He informed me that it would end my motorcycel permit and I'd have to start all over again. UGH!!! Fuck it, I got my lisc. renewed. As for the scooter Basicly I can try the test again for free, which I will fail without investing some work into my engine, or I can spen like $250 to take the safety course which counts as the road test................. I dunno, the scooter is in the garage right now. I'll figure all that out later. Maybs I'll sell it?

Anyway, I realize that this posting is quite a word jumble. Sorry, I'm trying to do the 9 to 5 thing. Anyway, go to CD baby and buy a CD from me.

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