Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Started me up another blog. Yep

So I started another blog solely for the purpose of establishing a sounding board for ideas for stories and screenplays and perhaps some kind of grand collaborative project. I figured peeps could leave me comments with notes, edits, ideas and perhaps even add their own words etc. I called it the Sea Monkey Book Club, for no good reason other than I don't think Sea Monkeys are given enough literary credit. Anyway I don't really plan to send out announments when I post something becasue that would be silly. But if peeps happen to stop by, and perhaps if they want to be added so that they can post too it as part of the above mentioned collaborative effort then by all means that's awesome. I'd really love to get a screen play, besides my A-Team homage, rolling. I have this idea for one that I started working on and now I can't find it on my laptop which means I'll have to start again. But in the meantime, I told Steph I'd start working on the "novel in a month" thing back in November. Yeah, I'm still working on that. I mostly do it when I'm on the train to and from my job where I work. Anyway. Have at it. SEA MONKEY BOOK CLUB

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