Thursday, September 17, 2009

For the glory of the state!

It is done! We're ready to go to print with our new shirt designs. We'll have 7 and then two typeface designs. It took me a little while to really associate a slogan that had an authoritarian slant while corresponding to the design itself. Hopefully these shirts will find their audience. I guess that's where clever marketing plans come into play. Anyway feast your eyes on a sneak peek at the designs to come:


Andy Stattmiller said...

Those are the shit! I'll buy one for sure!

Nerd Love-Bot said...

Damn right!

mel said...

these remind me gonna say old school nickeloden. i just reminds me of something from there. well, enough of my stupid reminiscing, you did and excellent job. will you make ladies shirts?

Nerd Love-Bot said...

Interesting! Yep ladies will be represented as well.